Setting up your venue

Adding venues to your project is the first step of the project. In system venues are called  Places, and can be broken down to Floors and Departments.

1. Places

Adding a new place is really simple. Go to “Locations” in the left-hand menu, click “Manage Places” and "Add Place".

Once you enter the name and address of the place, the latitude and longitude values will generate automatically. Make sure to enter the city name with the street address. If the latitude and longitude values did not  auto populate, you can use the map on the right-hand side to zoom into your preferred location. Drag and drop the blue pin to your preferred location. You can obviously use this section for editing and deleting places.

2. Floors

Next, move on to “Manage Floors”. Floors are added similarly as Places, so start with "Add Floor". Select the Place that the Floor belongs to and give it a name. The portal asks you to upload a floorplan here. this refers to an architectural raster floorplan. Uploading a floorplan is not required, but will make installing beacons, controlling your setup, and analyzing your analytics much easier. Usually this floorplan is not shown to end users and just used for management purposes. Floorplan should be in PNG or JPG format and the maximum pixel sixe is 1800x1800px.

Determine also the floor number of this floor. Ground level should be always floor 0. This is important for the indoor-outdoor transition. You can also use negative numbers for floors below ground.

Similarly, you use this section for editing and deleting floors as well.

Click next to position your floorplan correctly on top of the map view. You can move, scale and rotate it as needed.

You can use the measure tool to help make sure your scale is correct. Don't take shortcuts with this step. positioning logic utilizes a mesh of beacon, GPS and inertial sensors data, so it is important that the orientation of the floorplan is correct. This is also the case, if your floorplan only covers one part of the building.

Tip: Measure a wall or some other element in real life and compare it to the measurement on the portal. Make sure they match.

Note: for perfect alignment with your geoJSON, copy the angle, center coordinate and width from your geoJSON project. Refer to these instructions:

3. Departments

Lastly, go to “Manage Departments”. You need to select the place and the floor to which you are going add the department and then enter the name of the department. Departments are required, when you are working with indoor positioning.

Typically, you only use one department per floor. In some rare cases, technicians may recommend you to add additional departments. Departments define which position data sources are in the same room. For example beacons in the same department will be used for trilateration calculation (more on this in the next article).

Add a Department for each Floor of your building.

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